“De prachtige tekst en illustraties bieden veel kansen om in gesprek te gaan, te filosoferen of creatief aan de slag te gaan met deze leeftijdsgroep. Een boek dat je aan het denken zet en heel breed kan uitgewerkt worden om het te hebben over mensenrechten, vrijheid en een vrije mening. Een waardevol boek in tijden waar vrijheid geen vanzelfsprekendheid meer is.
Dankjewel Uitgeverij Querido voor dit pareltje!”
— hetboekenrijk.com
“Geïllustreerd met prachtige, kleurrijke en artistiek aandoende tekeningen is dit boekje een lust voor het oog om te bekijken. De intense kleuren geven de essentie van het verhaal goed weer. Illustrator Salimeh Babakhan heeft hiermee een waar kunstwerkje afgeleverd.!”
— hebban.nl
“Een prentenboek over de vrijheid om jezelf te mogen zijn. De illustraties van Salimeh Babakhan zijn vol kleur en laten zo goed zien hoe verloren kraai zich voelt.
Heel blij met deze mooie vertaling.”
— Boek_idee
The Color of the Crow’s Dream
This story is about crow who one night had a dream. he dreamed he was a colorful crow. What amazing colors! When he woke up in the morning, He didn’t find that colorful dream. He tried to find that amazing colored crow he dreamed of. But it was not easy at all. He exchanged his color with some animals such as red fish, green parrot, yellow chicken and others. But none of those colors weren’t the color of his dream. He returned all the colors that he had taken from others and after that he was black again. Spring arrived and that amazing color came to his dream again. When he woke up, he felt happy. He looked in the water. He was not that black crow anymore.
Text By Hadi Mohammadi
Illustrations by Salimeh Babakhan
Translator to Dutch: Jef Aerts
Picture book | 56 Pages | 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 9789045130279
Release date: January 21, 2025
* Winner of image of the book Illustration Award, 2023
* Sellected for the 52nd Golden pen of Belgrade, 2023
The dialogue between two diverse worlds
The Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature publishing house started the Intercultural Project in collaboration with Marit Törnqvist, the prominent Dutch-Swedish illustrator, to the Intercultural Project to produce quality picture books for the “Read with Me” program in Iran in 2015. In this project, Marit Törnqvist as the art director, cooperating with Zohreh Ghaeni, worked with a group of young and creative Iranian illustrators to produce picture books with high quality illustrations and content for Iranian children. The Achievement of the several years of continuous work in this project has been several quality books written by Hadi Mohammadi which are marked with this phrase in the catalog: “The dialogue between two diverse worlds project”.